In an emergency, no matter what room you’re in, emergency barricades can help. We can quickly and easily take it upon ourselves to secure a room before contacting the authorities in the case of an emergency. With emergency door barricades, our schools, banks, offices, and other public buildings can become much safer during any kind of attack. Available barricade equipment is suitable for any room that can be used as a controlled lockdown area.
“Lockdown” is an example emergency barricade device, becoming increasingly popular for areas that house a large number of people that may need protecting – particularly schools. These devices can help you buy more time when you’re in a dangerous location. It allows someone who has taken charge of a group of people to inform security services and the police from their hiding place.
An emergency barricade device is the quickest type of barricade that there is. They can be deployed in seconds when they’re needed, and they work completely independently. They’re suitable for rooms, even those that do not have locks on the door beforehand.
A door barricade device is completely freestanding, and it’s also lightweight. They’re suitable for anyone to use, and they can also be transferred to another access point within seconds, if needed.
Understand how to implement
LockDown is an ideal secondary solution to standard locks on doors. It enables the user to lock down a door in record time, which can help buy time and keep a group safe while the authorities deal with the issue outside the room. Locating keys and locking a door isn’t an easy task in an emergency situation; panic is usually the first thing that sets in during a difficult situation like an attack or intrusion.
Knowing that there is equipment to help prevent these kinds of events from doing devastating damage can help give some hope back to vulnerable people that may be involved. Public places could benefit from safe rooms, as well as emergency barricades. If these were implemented where there are vulnerable people, the public would feel much safer knowing that there was a simple way to protect themselves.
The typical RUN – HIDE – TELL exercise is perfect for users of the emergency device. Once individuals or a group finds somewhere safe, everyone hides securely while one person puts the device in place. Once the location is secure, then someone in the group can call the authorities.
The alternative to evacuation
The emergency barricade device is the ideal alternative to evacuation; when evacuation just isn’t possible in a threatening situation. It’s an invacution process that is needed.
The device allows any room with a door to become a safe room that can be used in an emergency. Of course, it’s best to have designated safe rooms for the devices, or at least rooms armed with the device, as well as lockable windows and fire extinguishers.